Tuesday, September 15, 2015

In the middle of nowhere...

Ok, I'll well aware that there are places that qualify for that title much more than the AIP, but as a city dweller, commuting to work feels a little bit like going camping. I had errands to run this morning, so I arrived in Potsdam when the bus from the train station was infrequent, so I walked. And documented.

After walking through a few blocks of cute little storefronts, the road to my work suddenly looks like this:

And that's before you hit the area where the park is across the street: 

After a few little houses on the right, you catch sight of the AIP:

That little building is the cafeteria - it serves lunch for a few hours every day. You do know you are in the right place, because there's a sign:

My building is pretty far into the AIP campus. There are buildings to the right and left, but to get to my office, you hang a left after that dome below:

And keep going....

And finally, you're there. My office, dead ahead!

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