Thursday, July 14, 2016

Am I back?

This has been a good time to take a break. I had about a week of the worst jet lag in a long time, and my phone has been constantly complaining that I don't have any space to take more pictures. I have seen a few stunning sunsets, but there would have been more pictures of things like our new fan and the neat file box I got to put all my important papers in.

What will I be posting from now on? I think there will be three main categories:

I will be posting at least a picture a week. Not exactly sure how many I'll be posting, but having the goal of putting up a picture does cause me to look at the world around me for the beautiful, absurd, and otherwise notable. It also helps me stay in touch with everyone!

I'll post a few summaries of the past year. I've long been meaning to do a kitchen retrospective, but I also want to gather some of my best (and maybe worst) posts all in one place. I might add to this a bit of advice for traveling to Berlin or moving.

I also plan to post more writing. I'm not sure what form this will take - essays, reviews, opinions, advice, complaints, or ramblings, but stay tuned!


  1. Dear Sarah, it's been 2 weeks since this interim posting. I miss your blog and the connection to your exploits in old Europe. A friend.....

  2. Ack, I actually meant to already post two things this week! They will go up shortly!
