Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A day of commuting

Today, like most Tuesdays, I spent about 2 and a half hours in transit. Here's a narrative in pictures.

First, I hop on the tram for a single stop (it's faster than walking, even if I have to wait 5 minutes):

Then, I get on the S-bahn for the long ride down to Potsdam. I listen to podcasts and drink coffee on the way:

Then I catch the bus up the hill to the AIP. The train was a few minutes delayed, so I had to run for the bus and couldn't snap a picture outside. 

Most days I simply retrace my steps, but on Tuesdays I head off to choir. I get back on the same bus headed to the *other* train station. I had to run for the bus AGAIN so here's a picture from inside: 

Then I catch a regional express towards downtown: 

And then I walk for 20 minutes. I could take a bus or train for part of this journey, but it's not actually any faster:

After chorus, I head to the U-bahn:

And then make a final transfer to another U-bahn to get home:

On Wednesdays, I often work from home. 

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