Saturday, August 22, 2015

At the Koncerthaus

As part of the Berlin Diplomatic Choir, I sang in the Young Euro Classic with the Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra tonight! It was a little bit like a step into another world - the chorus was a mix of pro and amateur, and it like I was a real musician! Arriving at the Koncerthaus, though, I had no idea where to go...

I had a feeling that I was supposed to enter elsewhere, and indeed, I was told to go to the stage door around back. After dumping my stuff in the dressing room, I made my way to the choir balcony:

Where we ended up first watching the rehearsal for another number with the orchestra:

Before we fine-tuned a few things on the pieces with the chorus. We got a break after a little bit, which I used to take an empty house selfie: 

And a few other photos:

My last picture of the night is on the way to the stage - with the "silence please" light illuminated. 

David also took a few pictures when he came to watch (also our friend Trey came to keep him company, hooray!), starting with a really nice one of the Koncerthaus:

An intermission photo:

And one during the concert:

It was a lot of work, but I was so glad to have an opportunity to sing with some high caliber musicians in such a great venue! The concert was also to honor the birthdays of two composers, and one of them (Giya Kanchelli) was really appreciative of our work (he kept on making a "bravo" gesture to us when he was ushered on stage to bow). Perhaps this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I do hope I can do plenty of singing in Berlin! 

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